Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hey guys... my friend Kim and I have started a project. We are going to each post one picture a day to our blog ... no themes or boundaries...just what comes our way that day or what sparks our interest!

We are both so excited. Hope you all enjoy the shots... Kim has posted one of a fig still on the bush and it is stunning!
Anyway... while on my trek for a/the picture .... these photos are of what I saw on my way to pick Grace up from school and back.
I put a picture of "Doolittle" on the "eachdayisanew" blog. This rascal has the most personality! Go check him out... He's a goof! ha

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

the daily photo is a really cool thing. I check every day for a new photo downtown from my city. it's just a guy who likes taking walks downtown and snapshots. pretty cool idea, i like it.