Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wedding Bells are ringing....

Well it's almost wedding time again! Joseph and Victoria will be getting married this Saturday... and I'm soooo excited to be doing their pictures! I have been so anxious to share her bridal portraits with all of ya'll... not much longer now! She's going to be a beautiful bride... I know I've seen her all "dolled" up! heehee

On another note.... I've got to get on the ball and get some "creative juice" flowing in the brain on what I'm gonna do with my kids on my holiday card this year! That is if I can get the eldest child to come home long enough to cooperate. Teenagers...ugghhh.....

If any of ya'll have ideas for your cards, my cards, or anything.... write me! I'm game to try anything... I'm thinkin' something with my gang on our horses since that seems to be our life right now and Jacob's so glad to be getting his horse back from his sister! Think the horses would cooperate with scarves and bows and lights? hahaha

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