Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Thankful Mama....

Thanksgiving was truly a day of "thanks giving" for me as I had all my "chicks in the nest!" Jacob, Grace and Abby right here with me for the day! I was an extremely humbled and thankful Mama as I bowed my head and thanked God for something for so long I took for granted! We spent the rest of the break time out at Johnny & Julia's camping, riding horses, eating, roping... did I mention EATING! HA
Thought I'd share a few pictures with everyone ...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My precious son is Seventeen today

Life of a Teenager

The rebellion in young people is not a crime. On the contrary: it is the fire of the soul that refuses to conform, that is dissatisfied with the status quo, that cries out that it wants to change the world and is frustrated with not knowing how. -- The Rebbe

In the 1950's, the Rebbe recognized that there was a prevailing ignorance among young people in many parts of this country. He established the Lubavitch Youth Organization, with chapters around the world, encouraging his students to share spiritual literature and other tools of education with the youth of other communities. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy initiated the Peace Corps, calling on young American men and women to go and help educate and develop underprivileged countries. The President was convinced there would be hundreds of volunteers; there were, of course, far more. The call of the President echoed the call of the Rebbe: that young people should recognize what a powerful fire is burning within themselves, and should be encouraged to use that fire for the good.

What is the power of the teenage years?
A young person is like fire. With direction and guidance, he or she can change the very shape of the world. Without direction, the fires of youth are wasted at best, while at worst, they can become a dangerous, destructive force. To lead a meaningful life means harnessing the fires of youth; but first we must understand the purpose of youth itself.

Rebellion is not the crime; the crime occurs when the rebellion has no healthy outlet. We must say to our young men and women:
The period of adolescence is nestled between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers are no longer content to play like children but don't yet have the knowledge and experience to be fully engaged in adult pursuits. Youth is one of the most precious periods of a person's life, and yet one of the most difficult.

What most young people are searching for is a meaningful cause. They are overflowing with a mixture of adrenaline and confidence -- "I want to change the way the world works," teenagers often think. "I can change the world." Adults, burdened with the pressures of everyday life, convince themselves that the world just is the way it is, but young people cannot tolerate such resignation. This is the constant conflict between the two groups: young people abhor the status quo, while adults' lives revolve around it.

Many adults simply write off the teenage years as a rebellious period that a person must simply outlast. Young people, meanwhile, often think that adults have forgotten how to appreciate the very meaning and thrill of life. Youths are rebellious, and adults see the rebellion as one step shy of a crime.

But rebellion is not the crime; the crime occurs when the rebellion has no healthy outlet. Rebellion, in fact, can be the healthiest thing for a human being -- a pure energy that inspires a person to not give up easily, to refuse to tolerate injustice, to not go along with an idea just because everyone else is thinking it. The worst thing we can do with a young person's spiritual or psychological energy is to bottle it up; in fact, we must do everything we can to tap this energy, to focus it, and channel it properly.

If you complement your flame of youth with a sense of focus and urgency, you have the power to move worlds.
How is a teenager's energy best channeled?
To satisfy the needs of our teenagers in today's society, we must first recognize that their restlessness and hunger for meaning is not material but spiritual in nature, and that only spirituality can feed spiritual hunger.

To fight a spiritual war, they must be equipped with spiritual weapons. No matter how far a young person has wandered, he has a soul and a distinct mission from G-d. This is the first lesson that young people must learn -- that their lives include a higher purpose, that they must use their youthful energy for good and moral purposes.

The fire of youth must be used not just to build careers but to build homes and communities based on love and giving. It is the responsibility of adults to provide young people with a blueprint, a spiritual guide to life -- which consists of G-d's word and His instructions of how to best lead a meaningful life

So we must say to our young men and women: "You are as alive as fire. If you complement your flame of youth with a sense of focus and urgency, you have the power to move worlds."

When was the last time you had someone that you were able to have a heart-to-heart talk with about the real issues of life? A talk about your personal issues, about our place in the world and what we are supposed to do with our lives. A talk that honestly looked at pain and failure.

It is critical that you find someone who you can talk to, a mentor to trust, who will appreciate your strengths and potential and can help motivate you to achieve your dreams.

We all must sit down calmly with our families, with our young people, and talk about our lives and aspirations.

For such communication to be effective, it must be sincere and it must be regular; it cannot surface only in times of crisis. Instead of only relaxing all weekend, designate an hour or two just to speak or take a walk together. Talk about values, about the difficult decisions that any young person must face. Talk about G-d, about morality, about how pure intellect is limited unless it is supported by a system of higher values. Talk about charity, about selflessness, about why we are here and where we are headed.

Should we extinguish the fires of youth because of their potency? Never! We should constantly encourage our young people: "You are our hope, our most precious natural resource."

Friday, November 21, 2008


This picture is of a piece of a parched peanut that my 20 month old daughter, Abby aspirated into her lung. She and her sister Grace were eating p-nuts on Monday night when she got tickled. She had to be operated on Wednesday to remove the peanut piece from her lung.
She still has a good deal of pneumonia in that lung but is home and doing well... all glory and thanks to God!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I was at the veterinarian's office this afternoon ... went outside to put something in the truck and saw this awesome sunset... it was soooo cold outside but I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and capturing this sunset through the fence....

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The SRA Finals are the final competion for the Southern Rodeo Association. We took the girls and the ride alone was absolutely beautiful!! The temperature dropped as we gained altitude.
Thought I'd share a few shots with everyone. Grace decided she wanted to ride the mechanical bull.... and did quite well I must say!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Looking Deeper....

Five Ways to Look Deeper Torah Portion (Genesis 18-22):
Rabbi Max Weiman
In Genesis 18:1, God is speaking to Abraham. Yet when three strangers walk by, Abraham leaves God's presence to offer them assistance. Why would Abraham go away from God?
In Abraham's mind, there is no such thing as "leaving God's presence" - since the Infinite permeates all existence. You can't really leave God, as Adam found out when he hid from God, and Jonah found out when he tried to flee from Him.
Life is all about choosing which way to become one with God at every turn. Abraham was communicating with God, but when an opportunity came along to emulate God, he saw that as a greater degree of connection with God than even a direct communication.
Don't be fooled by the superficial. Don't forget that the Infinite is behind all experiences and actions.
* * *
In Genesis 18:6, Abraham tells Sarah to hurry when making the grain product for the strangers. A Midrash says that this took place on Passover and Abraham was telling Sarah not to let the dough rise. A similar commentary says that Lot, when he made matzah for the strangers that came to him (Genesis 19:3), was also honoring Passover.
How could these sources suggest that a holiday which commemorates the Exodus from Egypt - a historical event that would happen hundreds of years later - is celebrated by earlier biblical figures?!
The early sages say that each holiday the Torah mentions has a spiritual reality, a deeper impact on our soul that is not related to the historical event per se, but rooted in the spiritual underpinnings of the universe. Therefore, whether or not they knew about the later historical events, our forefathers celebrated the spiritual impact of all the holidays.
* * *
Abraham did kindness with strangers. Lot, who learned from him, did similar kindness with strangers. Abraham was a holy man who became a patriarch of the nation of Israel, yet Lot barely made it out of Sodom, had incest with his daughters, and faded into obscurity. Why didn't Lot become great like Abraham?
It seems to be that Lot only looked at the superficial aspects of Abraham's service to God. Lot saw kindness and imitated, yet he didn't understand that the essence of Abraham's approach was to become one with the Infinite. Lot saw the outward trappings of righteousness, but didn't fathom the inner work that real spirituality requires.
* * *
There is also the case of Isaac and Ishmael. They were both sons of Abraham, a holy man. They both lived with him and learned from him.
Brit Milah, the covenant through circumcision, is something that both children of Abraham perform to this day. Yet the "Brit Olam," the covenant of the nation of Israel, was only for Isaac. Ishmael is blessed with wealth and power, but the eternal Jewish covenant goes through Abraham and only to Isaac. Why the difference?
Isaac emulated Abraham and continued the relationship with God, building on the foundation that Abraham laid. It takes a special energy to establish continuity to the philosophy of life expressed by Abraham.
* * *
The Sages tell us that the essential ingredients of Abraham's character were developed by way of ten divine tests.
Abraham needed these tests in order to reach his spiritual potential. To a less elevated person, these trials may have merely looked like problems to avoid. Things to take a pill to remove, or about which to seek counseling to alleviate the guilt.
Our challenges and difficulties are not random. They are designed with great precision. Every divine test has three important aspects: (a) a challenge, (b) a lesson, and (c) an opportunity. Abraham was not only able to act successfully with all of his tests, but moreover, he was able to see in them a deeper benefit.
* * *
Spiritual Exercise:
Over the next week, notice a particular challenge and analyze it. What is the challenge? What is the lesson you need to learn from it? And what is the opportunity for spiritual growth?


While in Aiken, SC on our shopping trip to Boots, Bridles & Britches we wondered on down to Hopeland Gardens. This is the most serene, quaint little spot I think I've ever experienced. The water, humongous Live Oaks, Ivy everywhere and the fall colors... oohhhhh.... it was stunning! Me, my Mom, Grace, Abby & Heather all enjoyed our girl's day out!

Friday, November 14, 2008

A MOM'S Emuna Braverman

Whoever coined the expression "sleep like a baby" obviously hasn't spent very much time around infants. Babies are not renowned for their positive sleeping habits. They wake up every few hours to eat if they need to be changed. Sometimes they fuss between feedings and some even cry incessantly. To sleep like a baby suggests a night of frequent disruptions and discomfort.
The amazing thing about babies is not their ability to sleep but their parents' ability to put up with the lack thereof. A miracle of hardwiring, we jump at the piercing sound of a baby's cry (specially formulated by the Almighty to be impossible to ignore) and run to attend to his/her needs.
We feed on demand, burp on demand, change on demand. We are completely devoted slaves from day one. Only the Almighty could have created such a phenomenon.
And from our children we learn the depth and potential of our love and capabilities. We know that we can go long hours without sleep. We know that if our children need us, we have a reservoir of strength within us that we can draw on. And that we will continue to draw even as the reservoir runs dry.
We know from those middle-of-the-night trips to the Emergency Room that our love is boundless, that there are no limits to what we would do for our children.
We know from our struggles with children over so many issues -- physical, psychological, you name it -- that we will never give up, that there are unplumbed depths to our love, that we have strength we didn't even recognize.
And part of the blessing of having children is gaining this understanding, is learning who we could be and what we could do if we fully understood the untapped potential of each human being.
Another part of the blessing is what we learn about our relationship with the Almighty. For as much as we love our children (As I used to tell my kids "I love you so much I can't take it!"), He loves us more. As much as we would do for our children (and we've all heard the stories of superhuman acts of strength by parents to save their endangered children), He would do more. And as much as we never give up on our children, the Almighty believes in us even more. He sees our potential more clearly, He knows our abilities. He recognizes the goodness in our souls.
We think that we are doing all the giving when we parent. But this is what parenting gives us -- a true and deep recognition of the good in all of us. And the knowledge that there are no limits to our ability to act on it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


When I think of tomatoes... I think of ones fresh off the vine out of my Pop's garden when I was little. He took a lot of pride in growing his tomatoes. You know... people here in the South slice tomatoes & cucumbers with every meal ... I suppose like others would pickles or something.

Heck... even eat tomatoes with breakfast. Have you ever heard of slice tomatoes & french fries covered with milk gravy? Oh I have and watched a few woof 'em down too....

I was playing around in the kitchen bouncing light off of the white ceiling with my flash and took this one... thought I'd share it with... YA'LL!

Be particular and ya'll come back now ya' hear?

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Can you believe this price on gas? And... it was actually cheaper down the road from this place at $1.92... I never thought I'd see gas below $2.00 again...

AND... check out this ride.... I thought this was the coolest "way to travel".... and I love the bicycle... a seat for big behinds! Peace Ya'll! heehee

Friday, November 7, 2008


It is always a pure pleasure to do a photoshoot for family! These are a few shots are of my cousin Margot and her two boys Reid & Boone. Growing up, Margot was more like a baby sister to my brother and I, so her boys are more like nephews! It was a fun Fall day in the woods.... digging for treasures, playing in the "Tree Fort", climbing to the top of the barn and just walking through the trails! Thanks fellas for being so good to your ol' Aunt LeighLeigh! Ya'll were a hoot! I love ya'll!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I love Fall... I love the changing leaves and a sucker for a catahoula!
This was my "picture adventure" for the day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


All eyes are turned towards DC as some welcome the new president, others are in disgust, and some ... don't know what to think. I want complicate my photography blog with politics. However... I will say... I will be in prayer more now for Israel than ever.
Remember..... God says...
Those who bless Israel will be blessed and ....... those who curse Israel will be cursed!
Here are a few pictures I took this morning while on my daily trip to town taking kids to school. My thoughts were ...




Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have been fond of this house for a LONG time ... it needs work but don't we all... it has so much character. It sits at the end of a dirt road that t's with another that runs right in front of the house... so the one that comes straight in front looks like an old plantation driveway... it's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen! Remember... beauty is in the eye of the beholder!